CRM project – testing and discovery update

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Knowledge Base Administration UAT is complete! Feedback on each of the items identified during this period has been provided to our super users. We would like to thank the super users for their enthusiastic approach to testing while balancing the other priorities of their business as usual work.

We are now preparing to run testing for case and contact management. This will start in mid-November and wrap up by early December. Super users should keep an eye out for invitations to the meetings related to these sessions.

Low-level discovery

Low-level discovery sessions are where we identify what features and functions we need to build in Microsoft Dynamics. These commenced on 29 October. Approximately 34 of these sessions will run between now and January 2020.

The business processes and features discussed in these sessions are wide-ranging. The primary purpose of the sessions is to identify how our business processes will work with the new system. To do this, we engage the subject matter experts from within the teams who own the processes and tasks. This sharing of knowledge helps us to ensure we will deliver the best possible product at go-live.

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