Information Security Awareness ELMO module update

Over the past few months the Information Security Awareness ELMO module has gone through a transformation. Most of the existing content has been updated along with the addition of new topics.

The module now highlights the recent changes that have occurred in regards to data breaches. The university is mandated by the Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) scheme to inform the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner of any eligible data breaches to our system, and the individuals who are likely to suffer serious harm due to the breach. All university staff are required to report actual or suspected breaches of personal information to the IT Service Desk immediately.

With the increased purchasing of third party cloud applications – known as SaaS (Software as a Service) – we need to be assured that any information these providers are storing will be safe. The revised module outlines some questions that should be considered and asked of potential SaaS providers, as well as the recommendation to consult with the Division of Information Technology before purchasing any SaaS – contact via the IT Service Desk.

It is compulsory for all staff to complete the Information Security Awareness ELMO module every 12 months, however if you feel you need a refresher before then you are welcome to enrol yourself in the module at any time.

The Information Security Awareness ELMO module can be accessed through the CSU eLearning System.