Stakeholder Management / External Engagement System

The focus of the over-arching CRM project continues to be the “current students” system. Running in parallel to this over the last few months is the Stakeholder Management System project.

The Stakeholder Management System project team has been working with staff from the Office of Industry and Community Engagement to configure the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform to accommodate their needs.

Leveraging the application developed for CSU Alumni, the solution has been built to support the work of the directors of external engagement and community relations officers.

The new system provides the ability to record, track and report on engagement with our key external stakeholders. It will also support marketing campaigns and event management.

The individuals we engage with sometimes represent multiple external organisations. For example, a councillor who also works for a major local employer as well as a sporting body. The system has been configured to take this into account.

Capturing all engagement with external stakeholders means that we have a holistic view of our interactions. This results in more informed and targeted communications.

Next steps

The project team is working through the likely rollout of this system to other groups, such as the Office of the Vice-Chancellor.

Following this, we will allow time for the system to be in use and collect feedback from users. Further development and rollout across other areas of the university will then be considered as a separate activity.

For more information contact John Smith – Associate Director, IT Project Portfolio.