Future Student Hub

The new Future Student Hub – study.csu.edu.au – was introduced in stages from August 2019 to February 2020. The project has transformed the future student web sites into a market-oriented, brand-aligned and leading digital recruitment hub.

The delivery of Future Student Hub supports the University Strategy 2022, by improving Charles Sturt’s ability to recruit, and thereby meet student market share and growth targets.

The new Future Student Hub is based on a competitive and journey-driven approach that drives prospective students to the next best action.

Key improvements include:

  1. Personalised information that will guide prospective students through the marketing funnel. It provides prompts that encourage and assist them to take the next best action along their path to application.
  2. A user experience (UX) strategic roadmap and key persona journey framework across the prospective student primary channel and key dependency sites/pages – accommodation, research, apply, offer, homepage, scholarships, alumni, finance, social.
  3. The ability to connect paid advertising with the Future Student Hub and generate advanced lead management.
  4. The latest web technology, including a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) audit and implementation to improve and advance internal and external search metrics.

We will continue to update the hub with the addition of further personalised information and prompts specific to identified marketing opportunities.

More information

For any enquiries or more information about the new Future Student Hub, contact the Web Office.