Kicking off technology initiatives – 2020/21

The recent 2020/21 round of new Technology Initiatives (TI) resulted in over $4m of TI and SSAF funding being allocated across 11 new initiatives. Of these, four rated as critical priority and six rated as high priority.

Table 1 below details the priority and funding for each project.

A continual challenge with TI portfolio planning is the scheduling of the new initiatives and trying to ensure that we can kick-off as many of the higher priority initiatives as soon as possible after funding decisions are made.

The need to start some of the new initiatives was even more crucial in this round, with some addressing critical compliance and legislative issues and others fundamental to the delivery of the strategy.

All the critical priority projects have now started, three of them kicked off in January and the fourth recently. Four of the high priority projects have also commenced. Planning is underway to start the remaining two projects.

More information about each project, including key resources such as the sponsor, project manager, product owner and business analyst, as well as estimated timeframes, is available on the published TI schedule. This document is regularly updated.

Another useful resource is the Technology Initiative Summary page, where you can find information about the intent and objects of each active project, as well as the 5Ps and latest status report.

Each month we produce a TI Portfolio Health Report, which provides an indication of the progress of projects and state of play. The monthly health reports are available from the Roadmaps and Reports page.

We will publish updates as the new projects progress, make sure you subscribe to DIT News so you don’t miss out.

If you would like specific information about any of the active or scheduled projects please contact John Smith – Associate Director, IT Project Portfolio, or the relevant project manager.