Workplace Learning Payments project

The purpose of the Workplace Learning Payments project is to simplify the process for paying an individual or agency for the placement of a Charles Sturt student, creating efficiencies for staff.

Project aims

  • Implement a new process to set up the InPlace system to drive payments for student placements, allowing for single-point data entry for Workplace Learning teams and reducing the risk for errors.
  • Integrate the InPlace payment process with the Banner Finance system, creating work efficiencies and better user experience.
  • Faster turnaround timeframes for payments to individuals and agencies for the placement of Charles Sturt students.
  • Aligned processes between faculties, creating efficiencies for faculty, and InPlace system staff.
  • Charles Sturt to be the first university to integrate the InPlace system to drive payments.

Project progress

The InPlace system has been upgraded twice to improve usability, speed, functionality and to enable the system to drive payments. InPlace system staff have reviewed and implemented new processes and procedures, migrated templates, and completed a data cleanse.

The project team is engaging with the finance teams to ensure the new payments process adheres to the relevant compliance and auditing standards.

Building the API to create invoices from the InPlace data to send to Banner Finance for payments to be processed, has progressed. Soon the solution will be ready for User Acceptance Testing.

Next steps

We will review all feedback from faculties for this new payment process, then roll out training to the Faculty of Science followed by the Faculty of Arts and Education.

As we finalise integrations, we will progress with full end-to-end testing of the API in the QA environment.

We continue to update the payment details in the InPlace system and work with key stakeholders across divisions and faculties to keep the teams informed and make this change a seamless process.

More information

Contact Rochelle Wraith – Project Manager, Division of Information Technology.