Point of Sale upgrade: cross-unit collaboration

Desktop computer showing the Bepoz Point of Sale product example
Bepoz Point of Sale product

DIT, Finance and Hospitality staff worked together with BEPOZ to upgrade the existing point of sale (POS) cash register solution across the Albury, Wagga Wagga, Bathurst, Orange and Dubbo campuses.

This work involved collaboration across all teams to upgrade all the existing POS terminals and the introduction of some new mobile POS tablets to provide flexibility with tasks like stocktakes.

During the project the scope was increased to include the connectivity of the existing Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale (EFTPOS) terminals to the CSU network and an interim server, providing hard-wired connectivity back to the bank. This enabled the team to address the inconsistent connectivity issues which caused delays and/or dropouts for customers when purchasing via card using the mobile network.

The project presented the team with several opportunities (100% – you had to be part of the project team!).

All staff involved should be proud for taking the opportunity to improve the POS system and remove the instability and frustration for customers when using EFTPOS.

The outcomes from this project demonstrate what is possible with cross-unit collaboration.