Too smart to be scammed?

Australians are set to lose a record amount to scams in 2019, projected to exceed $532 million. Surpassing half a billion dollars for the first time.

Many people believe they would never fall victim to a scam. But new scams are emerging all the time and scammers are becoming more and more sophisticated.

Charles Sturt has been targeted by a number of scams this year. A recent example is the freight forwarding scam.

Follow these simple tips to protect yourself and the university:

  • If you receive a request from a colleague asking you to do something out of the ordinary, contact the requestor by phone or Skype to confirm it is legitimate.
  • Before engaging with a new business check ASIC’s list of companies you should not deal with.
  • Don’t give your personal details, your banking details or remote access to your computer to someone who contacts you out of the blue.
  • Beware of ads you see on the internet – if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.

Remember – no one is “too smart to be scammed” – anyone can fall victim.

Test your cybersecurity awareness and ability to recognise scams.

If in doubt: don’t reply to the email; don’t click on the link; don’t give out personal details over the phone.

For more information visit Scamwatch – National Scams Awareness Week 2019.

If you think you have been the victim of a scam or have any IT security concerns contact the IT Service Desk.